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Working on Laptop


Each online virtual and face-to-face instructor led session is accompanied by

pre and post work that is completed by each participant


Pre-Session Work

Every participant is sent

a small introduction to the

concepts of the session.

The idea is to get them thinking

about their individual situations

and how the course

content relates


Digital Commons

Extra articles, materials,

videos and information is

supplied through a digital

online resource. In addition,

participants are presented with

guided questions that they

have to answer in an open

online forum


Post-Session Work

In order to embed the learning

from each session (and

get participants prepared

for the next session during

multi-session courses), post

course work and guided

discussion introduced through

the Digital Commons platform

    Understand the elements of being an agile leader THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF PEOPLE CENTERED LEADERSHIP What does it mean to be an AGILE leader? Examine the elements of AGILE: Accountable for self Generate, don’t wait Integrative leadership Lead by example Emotional Intelligence Examine agile leaders and assess self against objective criteria
    Develop skills to provide and receive feedback in a timely, collaborative, and collegiate manner GIVING AND RECEIVING FEEDBACK Defining what feedback is and is not Exploring the two different types of feedback Examine why feedback fails Learning how to use the 5i-model to provide effective feedback
    Objectives: Explore the concept of authentic leadership and its benefits. Identify personal values and align them with leadership actions. Enhance the ability to build trust with team members.
    To build trust with every employee and across the team UNDERSTAND THE COMPONENTS OF THE TRUST EQUATION Building and maintaining trust using the Trust Equation Understanding the behaviors and actions that build and destroy trust Creating a positive work environment that leads to trusting working relationships Explore trust as the foundation for building engaged teams Define a set of trust competencies that build effective relationships
    To analyze and codify your leadership brand. LEADING BY BEING YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF Understand what a brand is Defining a leadership brand Analyzing current perception of your leadership style Creating an authentic leadership brand statement that you can live by every day
    To develop effective interpersonal communication skills for clear understanding COMMUNICATE CLEARLY AND MINIMIZE MISCOMMUNICATION Understand own communication style and how to adapt to the styles of others Become a more direct communicator in all interactions including meetings, one-on-ones, and feedback conversations Identifying and overcoming the barriers to communication Learn about verbal and non-verbal communication Practice how to listen effectively and overcome barriers to listening Radical Candor: how to communicate more directly in a range of interactions
    Exploring the shifts and difference required to lead at a higher level while understanding how to navigate through the leadership pipeline. EXPLORING THE LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES Understand the challenges associated with moving from one leadership level to the next Exploring the new skills required to make the shift to a higher level of leadership Learning how to think beyond the role in order to understand how to position self up, down, and across the organization Exploring changes in communciation, responsibility, and authority when contributing and leading at a higher level
    Core skills that will enable participants to practically carry out coaching in the workplace. COACHING AS A DEVELOPMENT TOOL Explain the principles of coaching: what it is, what it isn’t, and how it works in practical terms Understand the differences between other development conversations including mentoring, advising, teaching, and delegating Describe the best time to use coaching in order to ensure it is at its most effective Practically apply coaching methods that get results in the work environment Utilize positive questioning and listening techniques that can be applied to coaching scenarios to get the best out of others ability
    Provides advice on best practice in the coaching world, looking at the methods used to get the best out of those being coached and how to ensure they are challenged and set action-focused goals. UNDERSTANDING FUNDAMENTAL COACHING TOOLS Identify development needs and implement appropriate solutions Establish how people learn and what this means when coaching Recognize and remove the obstacles to successful coaching Use a model to plan, prepare, and structure a coaching session Give feedback for performance improvement
    Objectives: Foster a culture of innovation within teams and organizations. Learn how to lead innovation initiatives effectively. Develop strategies for continuous improvement and adaptation.
    Objectives: Foster an inclusive leadership mindset. Understand the value of diverse perspectives in decision-making. Develop strategies for promoting inclusion within teams and organizations.
    How to define your team’s vision, set direction, and ensure the right processes are in place to reinforce the direction of the team. ALIGNMENT FOR THE FUTURE Defining what a vision is Understand how to structure your vision while gaining buy-in and alignment Dealing with resistance to new directions and vision attributes Communicating the vision in a compelling and inclusive manner
    Help manage these situations when they occur and, where possible, avoid them happening altogether. BEING PREPARED AND REDUCING DAMAGE Plan, anticipate and avoid crisis where possible Manage the reputation of your organization when crisis occurs Respond appropriately to crisis Address issues of online reputation Develop tools that will help support your crisis management plan
    Objectives: Cultivate cultural intelligence and awareness. Learn how to lead diverse, global teams effectively. Develop strategies for bridging cultural gaps and fostering inclusivity.
    Understand what delegation is and how it differs from assigning work or simply giving people tasks to work on. THE WHAT AND HOW OF DELEGATION Examine reasons why leaders do and do not delegate Understand what delegation is and why it is important Examine the four phases of delegation Learn how to plan a delegation conversation
    Learning how to project your leadership brand when meeting people for the first time, running meetings, giving presentations or in any situation where you need to deliver more compelling and persuasive messages and have more productive conversations. DEFINING YOUR LEADERSHIP BRAND What is a leadership brand Analyze your Johari Window Use a structured approach to codifying your personal leadership brand Receive peer coaching on your draft brand statement PROJECTING YOUR BRAND Understanding what executive presence means Finding a balance between Likability and Capability Analyze your micro-inequities and how they may alter how your presence is perceived Practice projecting your leadership brand through use of video and peer feedback
    To better equip participants with skills to identify and address sensitive situations, manage and work within a diverse team, reduce the potential of discrimination-related issues and liabilities, and gain a level of self-awareness as to their own perceptions of difference and unconscious bias impulses that may prevent them from including others. UNDERSTANDING SELF Describe individual diversity and how each participant differs from one another Understand what the dimensions of diversity are Understand why inclusion is more often a problem Explore individual perceptions, responses and ideas regarding specific situations Identify unconscious bias “hot buttons” Learn how to avoid acting on unconscious bias impulses BEING INCLUSIVE Learn the benefits of creating a truly inclusive team Understand what neuroscience can tell us about how to promote inclusion in diverse teams and organizations Learn how to self-modify one’s own thoughts in order to reframe a situation, leading to greater understanding and inclusion Understand how to employ a conversation structure that is free of bias and open to new ideas Develop skills to deal with challenging situations
    Understand the importance of employee engagement and the key part it plays in business success and apply tactics that motivate and engage employees, creating advocates for the business. DEVELOPING AN ENGAGED TEAM Define and recognize employee engagement Design jobs to motivate and engage Create an engaging work environment Retain your talent Use employee engagement strategies Prevent disengagement
    Objectives: Improve emotional self-awareness and regulation. Enhance empathy and interpersonal skills. Apply emotional intelligence principles to leadership situations.
    To understand why and how to empower others within the team. GETTING THE BEST OUT OF YOUR TEAM Learn how and why to empower others Identify who to empower and build commitment to do so Learn how to create an increased sense of individual value in team members Learn how to create employee engagement across the team Understanding core motivational models: Maslow, Herzberg, Vroom, McClelland Knowing when to empower based on Situational Leadership
    Objectives: Explore ethical dilemmas in leadership and decision-making. Build ethical leadership principles and values. Develop strategies for promoting ethical behavior within organizations.
    There are several crucial conversations we must have every day at work: feedback, performance, disciplinary, expectation setting, etc. Some of these conversations are emotional in nature and, therefore, create stress and unease. Often, we enter these conversations long on empathy but short on challenge. We need to avoid this habit of ‘ruinous empathy’ and move towards a style of radical candor. This engaging program offers tools and skills to be able to balance empathy with challenge while ensuring the crucial conversation is just that – a conversation. Exploring what makes a conversation crucial Understand the emotional elements of a crucial conversation and how to deal with them Examine dialogue principles and how to stay focused on the objective of the conversation Learn how to create a psychologically safe environment to progress the dialogue rather than enter into positional argument
    Learn a step-by-step recruitment process including interview preparation and candidate assessments, enabling the ability to gain the right insights from candidates during the recruitment process. Define the profile you are looking to hire Develop targeted interview questions Create and use Interview Guides Focus on what's important during the interview Learn how to make Candidate Assessments Explore how to conduct video interviews Understand body language and non-verbal communication
    Objectives: Understand the unique challenges of leading during crises. Develop crisis communication skills. Learn strategies for maintaining team resilience and productivity.
    Understanding individual leadership styles and the advantages/disadvantages of each. Understanding how one’s own emotional intelligence level impacts an individual’s leadership style Defining the six, core leadership styles Examining the impact of using the wrong style or overusing any particular style Learning how to adapt leadership styles in the moment to meet specific situational leadership requirements Understanding the role of emotional intelligence in leadership Using emotional intelligence to inform the selection of the appropriate leadership style
    Understand why change causes problems within teams and organizations and learn techniques to help individuals and teams approach change in a healthier manner. WHAT IS, AND WHY, CHANGE? Learn about different types of change and why they are necessary Understand why change initiatives fail and begin to explore the leader’s role in sustaining change Realize the importance of clear communication throughout and beyond the change process RESPONSES TO CHANGE Discover individual responses to change Learn about change fatigue and the “Marathon Effect” Explore stages along the change curve and examine the nonlinear manner in which individuals and teams move through the change process
    Objectives: Build the skills necessary to create and lead high-performing teams. Understand team dynamics and how to harness diversity for better results. Develop strategies for motivating and engaging team members.
    Building personal influence and ensure that meetings are productive and rewarding for the participants. LEADING MEETINGS Consider whether a meeting is always the most appropriate means of communication Provide focus for meetings through the use of effective objectives and agendas Control meetings to ensure they are effective Ensure that agreed actions are assigned and recorded Close meetings effectively
    Understand how to influence people across the organization, specifically when you have no positional power in relation to those individuals. MAPPING YOUR NETWORK Outlining the need to lead across boundaries Identifying the key players Exploring difficulties associated with leading without positional power Understand what decisions need to be made and identify the decision rights of each collaborator Dealing with conflict and process disagreements UNDERSTANDING COMMUNCIATION Providing clarity over the vision and mission of a collaborative initiative Creating opportunities for all perspectives to be heard Reducing communication biases Identifying elements about the initiative that will make others want to collaborate Surfacing needs from those you have to influence Developing a symbiotic relationship
    Recognize the fundamental importance of operating with integrity as the foundation for being an effective leader. DOING THE RIGHT THING BY DOING THINGS RIGHT Discover the components of integrity Learn how to act with integrity and why it is necessary to becoming a successful leader Learn how integrity links to building trust, managing teams, empowering employees, and motivating individuals Utilizing the components of integrity during every moment Making Decisions with Integrity Operating with Integrity
    Leaders have access to more lines of communication than anybody else in an organization, however, paradoxically the information that flows to them can be suspect or compromised: warning signals are watered down; facts may be omitted; and data may be given a positive spin. It is the role of leadership to create a climate of candor where every member of every team has the right, duty, and permission to communicate information as they receive it up, down, and across the organization. This program explores the concept of radical candor in greater detail while examining the role every manager and leader has to create a climate of honest communication. Examine the role of listening in leadership Understand barriers to clear communication Learn how to promote radical candor Explore the elements of psychological safety
    Understanding what a high-performing team is and how to build trust across team members to maintain performance and deal with conflict in a pragmatic manner. STAGES OF TEAM FORMATION Highlight the key symptoms of teams in each stage of development Illuminate the leader’s role in moving the team from stage to stage Identifying the core elements of a performing team and how to keep them there BUILDING TRUST Identifying the elements of trust Discover the role trust plays in effective teamwork Learning how to leverage trusting relationships and how to manage conflict that may destroy trust
    Learning how to communicate with, motivate, increase engagement of, and provide feedback to team members who are not co-located with each and with those who work, primarily, by-themselves, removed from the wider team. DEFINITION OF REMOTE TEAMS Discover advantages and disadvantages of working with and in remote teams Highlight difference between remote and virtual teams Explore leader’s responsibility when managing a remote team COMMUNICATION SKILLS Explore the critical success factors to communicate successfully with remote team members Learn how to give feedback remotely Understand the communication gap distance creates
    Help leaders to shape the learning progression of colleagues identified as showing promise, and retain expert knowledge for the business, in order to achieve effective succession. WORKING AS A MENTOR The benefits and pleasures of being a mentor Attributes of an effective mentoring program Key skills of mentoring and avoiding the pitfalls What is the role of the mentor and mentee? Learn key skills and how to apply/adapt them to mentoring SETTING UP THE MENTORING PROCESS How to identify mentee needs The importance of ‘contracting’, protecting mentoring time Understanding your own learning styles Avoiding generational conflicts Designing the program and structuring agreements
    Understand what performance management is and how to use a reliable process to develop existing performance; why motivation improved performance. THE ROLE OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Understand the importance of consistent performance management Learn how to define employee goals, objectives and ambitions Examine the importance of consistent and constructive communication Learn the difference between written and verbal performance reports THE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS How to provide feedback that creates action Learn how to have difficult performance related conversations Use a meeting template to guide the discussion and capture key action items
    Exploring the difference between climate and culture and learning what the role of the leader is in helping team members prioritize while being open to coaching as part of their ongoing development Understand the difference between climate and culture Explore the leader’s role in creating a climate of trust and continuous improvement Examine the definition of prioritization and why it is important that leaders not only prioritize their own activities but help team members do the same Explore the ‘Eisenhower Matrix’ and learn how to exist in ‘Quadrant II’
    How to make every meeting meaningful and productive, reducing wasted time, unproductive conflict and misalignment on objectives and goals. MAKE EVERY MEETING COUNT Uncover why meetings exist Discuss productive vs unproductive meetings and analyze what makes them unproductive Discuss communication and conflict handling styles Introduce a template for meeting success and six tools that help drive meetings towards productivity and inclusion
    Objectives: Learn strategies for building personal and team resilience. Develop coping mechanisms for handling stress and adversity. Create a resilient leadership mindset to navigate challenges effectively.
    Examining your personal and leadership brand and defining how to live this brand in every interaction, every day Explore the difference between leading and managing Examine the challenges associated with leadership pipeline transitions (from individual contributor to people leader and then to leader of leaders) Analyzing current perception of your leadership style Defining your personal and leadership brand Creating an authentic leadership brand statement that you can live every day
    Objectives: Improve time management skills to maximize productivity. Develop strategies for setting priorities and delegating tasks. Create a work-life balance that supports leadership effectiveness.
    Providing tools for every team member to become aware of behaviors that may reduce team cohesiveness and productivity DEVELOPING TOWARDS PRODUCTIVITY Learn how teams form Define the early-warning signs of destructive team behavior Identify strategies to improve team cohesiveness and collaboration Explore how to keep a team performing well while navigating change
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